Fighting the cold fast…naturally

I felt a cold coming on last Thursday and I dreaded the whole being sick act. Often, it takes me a week to just recover from the common cold. My nose was runny, my ears were ringing, and I felt extremely exhausted for no apparent reason. I debated going to the doctor or trying to find a remedy.

Doctors just prescribe to make the symptoms subside without actually getting to the core problem. Whole foods was my doctor; I knew I would find something to kill this fight since it was just the beginning.

I had no idea what to get. I decided on Urban Moonshine‘s Immune Zoom First Response created by a herbologist with certified organic herbs including echinacea, raw honey, cinnamon, ginger root, and cayenne extract. It’s fast acting and amazing. Take consistently every 2-3 hours and guaranteed you will feel better immediately!

I also highly recommend Herb Pharm Mullen Garlic ear drops, which helps with ear pain and naturally works to cleanse the ear against infection.


Naturally remedies that actually work. Woohoo!



What’s sweet and good for you? Pineapples!


Pineapples are sweet and delicious with a ton of health benefits. It’s a great snack that will keep you feeling satisified. They have a high level of vitamin c, magnesium, fiber, and essential vitamins like B6 and B1.

The fruit contains high levels of water to help you stay hydrated all day long. It also helps with digestion and keeps your immune system strong. You could also purchase bromelian pills (extracted from the stem and core) for similar benefits but why wouldn’t you want to bite into this delicious fruit instead?

Did you know pineapples are composed of  various flowers? It’s true. The fruits fuse together to create the core.



Smile, you’re beautiful!

A smile a day keeps the doctor away. It’s a simple way to stay healthy. Smiling boosts your energy, your mood, your longetivity, and even helps you to be more successful. Look at an old picture you love or recall a memory that makes you happy.


Health benefits of smiling 1) Stronger immune system 2) Look younger 3) Earn Success 4) Encourage Trust 5) Relaxes the body 6) Helps you lose weight 7) Boosts relationships 8) Decreases Stress 9) Better sleep cycle 10) Increases Energy